As we head towards the winter months, now is the optimum time for landlords to prepare their properties for the harsher weather. Spending time and effort winterising your properties now could prevent future problems and save money further down the line. Here’s our winter property guide for landlords.
Service your boiler
The number one priority for every landlord should be checking that the boiler in your property (or properties) is in good condition, as repair costs can be extremely expensive. Book a boiler service to ensure that everything is working correctly and safely, as boilers can easily break down when turned on and used in the colder months.
Insulate pipes
Adding insulation to your pipes is a worthwhile measure that will prevent them from freezing or bursting due to the cold. Focus on pipes in external areas and lofts, which may be subject to the most extreme temperatures, and problems should be avoided as the cold sets in.
Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
In line with regulations from October 2015, a smoke alarm must be installed on each floor of a rental property – now is the perfect time to double check these are in good working order. If your rental property has a fireplace (or solid fuel appliance), then additional carbon monoxide alarms must be fitted in the same room, as the chances of these items being used increase astronomically in winter.
Inspect the roof
Chipped, cracked, or dislodged tiles on your roof could lead to significant water damage, and in cold temperatures, this can lead to structural issues with water freezing and expanding. Double-check that your roof is in tiptop condition to prevent any issues in the future.
Clean the gutters
While you take time checking any issues on your roof, be sure to check your guttering and clear them out to avoid blockages and breakages when the inevitable rain falls. By not having your guttering cleaned regularly, you are making your property vulnerable to drainage issues, which could lead to larger problems in the future.
Seal any draughts or air leaks
Air leaks can crop up over summer, leaving your home ill-prepared for the cold winter. This will increase the energy bill for you or your tenants, so by inspecting windows, doors, or any other vulnerable spots and sealing them up with caulk, you can ensure to provide a warm and energy-efficient home.
Provide winter emergency supplies
Equip your rental property with essential winter emergency supplies to ensure your tenants feel safe in your property. This can be a first aid kit, a torch, or even a shovel for the scenario of becoming snowed in. Providing these will create peace of mind for you and your tenants.
Are you ready for the snowy season? Contact us today to find your next tenants